
The Past Couple Of Weeks Room 5 Have Been Writing Stories.
Each Person Had 4 Pieces Of Paper And On 1 Piece Had To
Write A Famous Person On The Second A Time, The Third
An Animal And On The Very Last Piece A Place. Then We
Put Them In Piles, Shuffled Them Up And Picked 1 Out Of
Each Pile. Afterwards We Used The Things We Got On Our
Cards In Our Story.
Here Are A Few!!!

Stuarts Story.

James and Tim were walking through the streets of Boston heading to work. Tim stopped and unlocked a red Volvo, they both held out fists to play paper, scissors, and rock to see who’ll drive. Tim threw a rock and James threw paper and grinned. As James went around to the other side Tim slumped down into the driver’s seat and moaned as he pushed the seat back
“I was thinking of going to pizza hut after work, wanna come.” James asked “I don’t have much choice, do I.” Tim said sourly “anyway I’m going on a diet.” Tim said matter-of-factly “yea” James laughed “and I’m the queen of England.” Now James was 5 feet 7 and built like a tank while on the other hand Tim was 6 foot 4 and as thin as a rake. Leaves blew up from under the car as they drove by a large maple tree, it was autumn and everybody was getting annoyed by the leaves scattered across the ground. To ease the awkward silence James turned on the radio, Justin Beiber’s song baby started blaring through the speakers. “Yuk!” Tim said as he reached over to change the station. “That boy needs to be locked up in a cell.” James said half seriously. “Yeah.” Tim replied “a sound proof cell.” And they both laughed
They stopped outside their office block, got out of the Volvo and strolled towards the door. Just then, a kamikaze squirrel bailed out of a forth story window and landed on the closest object which happened to be Tim’s head. While Tim was jumping around, trying to get the squirrel off his head, James could hardly stand up he was laughing so hard. Still laughing James reached up and grabbed the squirrel by its tail and put it on the ground. “Smart squirrel.” James said half seriously. Tim shot him a dirty look and walked inside. James smiled and followed Tim.

As he past reception James saw the elevator going up with Tim obviously inside. While James waited for the elevator, Fred, a man who works on a different floor, came and stood next to him. “Did you see the game last night?” Fred said grimly. “Yes, it was brilliant!” James replied happily “but the all blacks lost to South Africa.” He said confused “I know.” James said, like it was the best news in weeks. Fred responded with a stare that could have melted steel “anyway” James carried on, clearly ignoring Fred’s look “since when did the Americans support new Zealand.” James said, annoyed. “Since they were playing south Africa” Fred grinned, happy to have a comeback. “And do you know why everybody doesn’t like the springboks.” James said having an idea. Fred was about to reply but James cut him off “it’s because they’re so good at rugby. You hear that!” he said turning around and yelling “south Africa has the best ruby team in the world!” just as the elevator behind him opened. The receptionist didn’t notice, the cleaner glanced up momentarily and the security guard clapped his hands and said with a thick cape town accent “good on you my bru, bokka all the way!” and pounded his fist into the air. The receptionist sighed and the cleaner murmured something about not being paid enough. James gave a thumbs up and stepped inside the elevator.
While going past the 3rd floor James felt something brush up against his leg, he tried to shake it off but it had quite a lot of resistance. He looked down and was surprised to find the squirrel that landed on Tim’s head was now standing next to him. James didn’t say anything because he didn’t want freak out Fred, but when Fred got out at the fourth floor the small rodent scampered ahead and a collective gasp rippled throughout the room. The squirrel kept on running and just before it hit the back wall it jumped up and flung itself out an open window, a muffled scream came up through the floors. “Another one bites the dust.” James muttered to himself and he pushed the 8th floor button.

Sandra burst in looking shocked and said “guess what just happened to me!” James glanced up from his computer and replied casually “just as you were about to walk inside, a crazy squirrel jumped out of the 3rd window from the left, sorry I mean right, from the 4th floor.” Sandra stared at him as if he were an alien. “How did you know that!” she whispered, to stunned to talk any louder. “The same thing happened to us.” He said, leaning back and pointing to Tim and himself with his thumb and pinkie using one hand, while the other rested apon his head “ah ha, but that’s not all” she started “sally and I were in the elevator an…” James cut her off “and the squirrel followed you up the elevator and got out with sally on the 4th floor and then bailed out of the window again. And that’s the squirrel’s great circle of life!”