Friday, 7 October 2011

Paige's Story!

Bear Napping
On the 31st of May at 12:00 pm Lily and her father set out to go hunting.
Passing through dimmed streets of Korea he saw people setting up the markets.
They were here on official business trying to capture a very rare bear.
Driving on the crowded streets seemed very hard to do people kept walking on the road and kept cursing in a different language.
Lily came with her father to explore the wonders of Korea but she had been stuck in a stinky hotel for two days no wonder she was happy to get out.
Her father Drew was all prepared and packed to go on their hunting trip.
He prepared sandwiches, rope, nets, cages and sunblock.
Lily wasn`t too impressed that her father was going to catch an innocent wild animal just so he could get money and scientists could research and learn about they animal.
She believed it wasn`t right to capture wild animals.
She believed animals should live freely.
Her father had forgotten one tiny detail. Directions.
Lucky for them their rental car had a GPS in it.
It was an exceptionally sunny day. So people were busily fanning themselves with whatever is useful.
Finally they reached a road leading to a forest a little car park was where it leads to.
“Come on Lily were here” said Drew.
Lily stepped out of the jeep and helped her father get out the hunting gear.
“My workplace need`s me to find this bear in two day`s”. Then we can go back to America”.
Lily stepped out of the car excitedly she had never seen a bear before she had heard that sometimes they are very dangerous creature`s.
But she was fearless [or so she thought].
When they were ready to set for the hills they picked up their gear and trudged on hoping to capture the bear.
Walking through the dense thick bush they could hear the birds chatting away.
Then they heard it, the ferocious bear growled at full volume.
A shock of fear struck Lily suddenly she didn`t feel so fearless anymore.
“Stay here”. Said her dad with a shiver in his voice.
“No”. Whispered Lily.
You might get hurt and if I stay here then I won`t be able to help you.
Fine you can come but stay low it might get aggressive.
Carrying the nets and the cage her father trudged on bravely.
Finally they reached the destination of the bear.
You could see the fear in Drew`s eye`s.
“Here’s my cell phone dial 186 in case of injury”.
“Ok” said Lily in a scared tone.
Her father quietly went closer to the bear being careful not to startle it.
Quickly he grabbed the net and through it over the bear.
The bear flung him to the ground with an almighty push and tried to escape for it sensed this danger earlier.
 Her father quickly got up and retained the bear he was lucky to have caught a very rare creature.
“I`ve got him” said Lily`s father triumphantly.
You should let it go dad said lily it might have a family they will be left alone if she goes it`s just not right to take her.
Listening to his daughter’s brave words he agreed.
“I`ll just tell them I didn`t catch the bear”. He gave a resentful sigh.
The next day they toured Korea having a blast.
Drew`s business believed that Drew was still trying to capture the bear and believed he would succeed.
Drew didn`t like to let his company down but knew it was the right thing to do for the bears sake.
That night they were ready to leave for America all packed and organised.
Drew believed that he was definitely going to get fired.
Bill Murray was waiting at the door instead of his usual colleagues he was waiting to pick up Lily and her father.
“Hello there I`m here to take you back to your offices but before I do I would like to know why you didn`t capture the bear”.
It wasn`t the right thing to do said Drew.
You are a great man and for that I`m going to make a movie about your great quest.
Drew and Lily couldn`t believe it, their luck had changed.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011


Hey guys,
Please please please please please please please please please please
please PLEASE send your name in WITH the caption!

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Caption Competition

Hey folks,
if you can find an awesome caption for the man in the car,
send it in as a comment with YOUR NAME!!! and you could win!!!

Thursday, 14 July 2011


Our school has held the poetry finals,
And the winner was.........
Lauren Davenhille from Kakano!!!
Well Done Lauren!!!
Thank you for all of the voters who voted in our poll,
most of you were correct!
Room 5

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Ben's Poetry Recital

Pike River Mine
This was written by me, so i hope you like it.

The victims of pike river mine,
 Went in and out,
 Rain or shine,
 There was a danger,
That they abade,
 They worked there for ages,
 Thats how heroes are made,
 Till one terrible night,
 An explosion swept the shaft,
 Families were horrified,
Their grief blocked the path,
 By the third there was no hope,
 And through all new zealands sorrow,
 We think about the miners,
 That will never see tommorrow.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Ryan's Poem

Ladies and Gentlemen, skinny and stout,
I'll tell you a tale I know nothing about;
The Admission is free, so pay at the door,
Now pull up a chair and sit on the floor.

One bright day in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight;
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other.

A blind man came to watch fair play,
A mute man came to shout "Horray!"
A deaf policeman heard the noise and
Came and killed those two dead boys.

He lived on the corner in the middle of the block,
In a two-story house on a vacant lot;
A man with no legs came walking by,
and kicked the lawman in his thigh.

He crashed through a wall without making a sound,
into a dry creek and suddenly drowned;
The long black hearse came to cart him away,
But he ran for his life and is still gone today.

I watched from the corner of the big round table,
The only eyewitness to facts of my fable;
But if you doubt my lies are true,
Just ask the blind man, he saw it too.